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Hello! I’m Marty! Welcome to my Blog. The blog posts will be centered around finding your true potential and discovering your strengths. Also, knowing you have the power to bring happiness into your own life and taking care of your mental wellness.

I want to reach those who have goals they want to achieve, those who have once wondered if true happiness is possible, and those who may be struggling to stay sane during this crazy time.

For a very long time I struggled to find myself. I lacked a vision, a purpose, and most importantly, happiness. I’ve experienced so much in the last 10 years and know that every struggle, every heartache, every single thing that has happened has been a lesson well learned. I consider myself a strong, independent, confident and happy person. Ask me what I considered myself before and I will tell you. I was a timid, doubtful, fearful creature who believed all the voices in my head. Those voices constantly kept me from getting out of my comfort zone. They also kept me from standing up for myself and this may sound a little cliché, but it’s the God honest truth, the voices kept me from believing I can do anything I set my mind to!

I am at a point in my life where I can truly say I am happy, and nothing can take that from me. I am deeply grateful for my experiences and now want to share this state of sheer happiness with you. There are people out there who would like to experience more happiness, who would like to improve how they feel and I believe you are reading this for those very reasons!

So stay tuned and be sure to subscribe and follow me on Facebook and Instagram @viziontrak where I will be sharing what makes me happy and how I stay sane during these crazy times!